The website to your clinic is the digital storefront that will hopefully turn visitors into clients.
Having a mental health provider has become increasingly crucial as nearly 1 in 4 adults, and 1 in 6 children have a mental illness. Approximately 50% of those people don’t receive treatment.
So how do you build a website that can create trust with the website visitors and turn them into a potential client? To do so, you need to make sure your website has a design that builds brand awareness, displays your services, and encourages visitors to take the next step to connect with you. Here are examples that show how to craft your website to have a high conversion rate.
Which Mental Health Websites Do Well?
A few of Beacon’s mental health clients have had success with their websites, like Center for Grief and Trauma Therapy, NYC Therapeutic and Wellness, and Holistic CFT.
How Do They Have Successful Websites?
The website design has several key factors that create success for the Center for Grief and Trauma Therapy.
- Strong call-to-actions on every page
- Clear steps for getting started
- Compassionate, compelling language
- Strong brand and calming imagery
- Detailed therapist bios and video
NYC Therapeutic and Wellness take a slightly different approach but still have success. Their website includes:
- Eye-catching header image
- Calming shades of blue
- Conversational, relatable messaging
- Strong, frequent call-to-actions
- Easy-to-find information
- User-friendly contact form
Holistic CFT takes the methods of both previously shown and combines them with:
- Inclusive imagery and messaging
- Easy-to-find services
- Multiple call-to-actions
- Calming color palette
- Insurance tab in the main-nav
As you can see, there are a few key factors that you want to make sure to include on your home page. The most important to include are strong and frequent call-to-actions, eye-catching images, and easy-to-find service information.
Read More About Mental Heath Website Examples That Convert Clients