The world has become increasingly reliant on internet access from home. Many people became more dependent on it when the pandemic hit, and they had to work from home. It’s now crucial for people to have internet access at home to work, receive care, get an education, and connect with others online.
Even though the demand is high, nearly 1 in 4 households in the United States still don’t have access to the internet in their homes. So, what is the solution? Here’s a guide on how the middle mile in broadband can help you with better internet access.
What Is the Middle Mile?
The middle mile in broadband is the crux of getting internet access at home. However, you can’t have that without the global internet network and the last mile network. The global internet network is the backbone of connecting cities, countries, and continents.
The last-mile is the network that reaches your home through a local Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISP often builds and owns the infrastructure used to transfer the data. You’re paying an ISP for last-mile services when you pay for your internet service.
The middle-mile is what connects the global internet network to your home. It’s an expansive system that the ISPs use and build off to extend the service to you.
How Do You Benefit From Improved Broadband?
There are many benefits to improving the middle-mile broadband. One of the best benefits of improving the network is reaching underserved communities so everyone can have access.
It will also increase the internet speed for activities that many consumers enjoy, such as streaming television, talking online, shopping, and gaming. With higher quality middle-mile networks, they will drastically improve internet service in the area.
Maybe one of the more attractive benefits for you is that it will lower the cost of your internet service. With a better middle-mile network, more ISPs can connect and create a competitive pricing market by trying to be the most affordable internet service.
Read More About the Middle Mile in Broadband