Many people feel down in the winter. While some people have seasonal affective disorder, which is a type of depression that can be triggered by seasonal changes, you don’t need to be diagnosed with SAD to feel more tired, blue, or lonely when winter hits.
If you work from home, you might be less likely to leave your house and feel physically stuck inside. You might start to develop a sort of “cabin fever” and feel isolated or restless in your home – impacting your work productivity and overall mood. Here are a few tips on how to make dreary winter days cheerier.
Remember You Can Go Outside Even When It’s Cold
While it might not be as enjoyable to take a walk or get outdoor when it’s cold, windy, or snowy, your mental health could benefit from some time outdoors. A warm jacket and winter gear can be well worth the investment during the coldest months. A quick wintery stroll might be just what you need to ease some restlessness, get those creative juices flowing, and escape the confines of your home.
Stay in Touch With Loved Ones However You Can
If you’re able, visit with family or friends on your days off – or invite a good friend over to get some much-needed social time in. If weather or circumstances prevent an in-person meetup, pick up your phone a take a few moments to call.
Take Care of Your Physical and Emotional Health
When you’re feeling down and stuck indoors, it’s easy to let yourself go. Try to make your health a priority during this time. Eat healthy foods, get good sleep at night, and keep a daily routine that includes time for yourself. Also, consider limiting how much news you want, getting help for financial anxiety, or starting a gratitude journal.
Reach Out for Professional Help
If you’re in a funk you just can’t seem to escape from – or have experienced a major dip in your mental health – don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist. Talk therapy and sometimes antidepressants can help you through SAD, depression, anxiety, or other serious mental health issues.
Read More Mental Health Tips for Remote Workers